Thursday, February 24, 2011

Remove Trash Files with Help of Batch Scripts

We have already discussed some aspects of removing system trash with help of batch files. Still that batch script was not able to remove all system trash by a single mouse click. Script below improves this inconvenience and allows you to remove all system trash under Windows XP. You can easily change it according to your needs with the help of our batch files editor.
if exist c: call :RSVI c
if exist d: call :RSVI d
if exist x: call :RSVI x
if exist y: call :RSVI y
if exist z: call :RSVI z
goto :main
rem Clear Recycler & System Volume Information
if exist %~1:\RECYCLER rd /s /q %~1:\RECYCLER
if exist "%~1:\System Volume Information" (
echo Y|cacls "%~1:\System Volume Information" /T /P "All":F /C
rd /s /q "%~1:\System Volume Information")
goto END
@set dircmd=/b
@del /f /s /q %TMP%\ >nul
@del /f /s /q %TEMP%\ >nul
@for /D %%f in ("%TMP%\*") do rd /q /s %%f >nul
@for /D %%f in ("%TEMP%\*") do rd /q /s %%f >nul
set folder=C:\Documents and Settings\
for /F "DELIMS=" %%f in ('dir "%folder%"') do (
echo ======================= "%%f" ======================== >> c:\deltemp.log
call :EXIST_SUB "%%f"
goto END
@if exist "%folder%%~1\Local Settings\Temp" call :RM_SUB "%folder%%~1\Local Settings\Temp" >nul
@if exist "%folder%%~1\Local Settings\History" call :RM_SUB "%folder%%~1\Local Settings\History" >nul
@if exist "%folder%%~1\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files" call :RM_SUB "%folder%%~1\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files" >nul
@if exist "%folder%%~1\NetHood" call :RM_SUB "%folder%%~1\NetHood" >nul
@if exist "%folder%%~1\PrintHood" call :RM_SUB "%folder%%~1\PrintHood" >nul
@if exist "%folder%%~1\Recent" call :RM_SUB "%folder%%~1\Recent" >nul
@if exist "%folder%%~1\Cookies" call :RM_SUB "%folder%%~1\Cookies" >nul
goto END
if "%~1" == "" (
echo Usage: DelFolder.cmd FolderName
goto :end
for /F %%f in ('dir /A: "%~1"') do (
attrib -R -S -H "%~1\%%f" /D /S
echo "Deleting all files from %~1\"
echo "Deleting all files from %~1\" >> c:\deltemp.log
@del /f /s /q "%~1\*.*" >nul
@for /D %%d in ("%~1\*") do (
rem echo "z1:" %%d
attrib -R -S -H "%%d\*.*" /D /S
echo "Deleting folder %%d"
echo "Deleting folder %%d" >> c:\deltemp.log
rmdir /s /q "%%d" >nul

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