Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Dr.Batcher 2.3 Extends Features of BAT-to-EXE Converter

The new version of Dr.Batcher, the award-winning tool to create and edit batch files, offers new features of BAT-to-EXE Converter. Now users can protect the output files with password and include folders and subfolders along with the batch file.
Dr.Batcher offers its users full-featured Batch-to-EXE conversion wizard that helps one to turn batch file into Windows executable file. User can add additional files that are needed for the batch file to run and protect the output file from reverse engineering. Now user can also protect the EXE file from an unauthorized running and include folders as well as simple files.
Among the other changes coming with version 2.3, one can meet saving the position of caret in Professional mode editor while switching between the opened files, enhanced support for different encodings in console output bar and small optimizations in batch files execution module.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Batch File to Clean Temp Folder

It is necassary sometimes to clean temporary files because they can waste large amount of space on your system drive. You can download one of system cleaners or even pay to its developer. But you should be aware of different kinds of malware in these cleaners. It is much better to use a simple batch script like this:
REM ********************************************
REM * Cleaning example script *
REM ********************************************
REM * This script shows how to clean the folder*
REM * from temporary files *
REM ********************************************
REM This string specifies that no details will be shown
@ECHO off
REM Change current forder to the temp folder
REM Delete all files with extension starting with ~
DEL *.~*
REM Delete all files with extension TMP
DEL *.tmp
REM Add your extensions!
ECHO Press Enter!
Hope this script is quite simple and you can understand what it does from the comments, but if you have any questions you are always welcome. Leave comments under this post or send a letter to
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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How to Make Changes in Windows Registry Using Batch Files?

 It seems that the simplest way here to make changes in Windows registry is to use REG files. These are special text files that function in Windows for making necessary Windows registry changes without searching long for the key in the tree shown by RegEdit. As I see it, the matter goes about making batch changes in the case you can manage without BAT files at all: you may write several registry keys into one REG file and the keys will be changed while REG file is launched. But if you need to generate registry keys dynamically, BAT file can perform REG file generating and launching. The only question is how to create batch file.
REG-files have a simple format. In fact it is a text file written as follows:

Here, it’s obvious, instead of lines in brackets you should put the real path to the branch in registry which parameters you are intend to change (do not omit brackets). The names of these parameters should be quoted and the same for their values, in case of line parameters. For DWORD and HEX parameters, as in example, write its type and put colon after equals in the line. Do not separate the values somehow – changes in parameters, starting with a new line in brackets, will be made to a new address. At the beginning of the file put the line “Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00” (without quotation marks) – this line is necessary for the Registry Editor to determine whether this file includes the keys for making registry changes – it is very important to include them into REG files. Also, do not forget to name the extension of the output file as .REG.
To compose the file use “>>” - command. That is a standard way to convert BAT file data into a text file. For making changes in the registry you use regedit utility in which REG file’s name should be used as a parameter, for example, “regedit crack.reg” (without quotation marks).

Friday, February 1, 2013

Dr.Batcher 2.2.1 Is Available!

Though Dr.Batcher has quite a long development history, new versions of this software don't appear very often. We are glad to announce the new version of our award-winning tool to create batch file.
What will you find in this new version? Here is the list of new features:
  • added context menu for tabs
  • indication of executing scripts in tabs captions
  • CABARC in the list of supported commands
  • own console output for each opened file
  • undo close tab
  • updated help file & printable manual.
 As usual, you can download Dr.Batcher from its official Web site.
