Monday, March 18, 2013

How to Merge Two Files with Help of Batch Script

Imagine: you have some spiltted files and you want to merge them into the new file containing all of them. Of course, it is much simpler to perform this operation using a small batch script instead of copying data manually. Here you can see an example of this batch script (hope, it'll be quite understandable with the comments):
REM Advanced Files Merger
REM Adds files specified by mask to the end of the file passed as the first parameter
REM Masks or names of files to be added are passed as the second, the third, etc. parameters
REM E.g. usage is like: merger FileToBeExpanded.bin *.exe *.zip *.*
@ECHO off
IF '%1=='LooP   GOTO %2
SET prgname=%0
SET destfile=%1
IF '%2=='   GOTO done
IF not EXIST %2  GOTO done
IF '%1=='   GOTO done
FOR %%i in (%1) do CALL %prgname% LooP addfile %%i
GOTO _loop
type %3>>%destfile%

We kindly remind that Dr.Batcher is the best program to create batch file, try it if haven't tried it yet.

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