It is neccessary sometimes to calculate the size of a certain folder in batch file. Though it is easy to see the size of a folder in Windows, calculating it in a batch script can be considered quite a complicated task. This small script will help you with this task:
@Echo Off
For /F "Tokens=3*" %%a In (
'Dir /-C C:\Temp ^| Find "files"') Do Echo The C:\Temp folder size = %%a
For /F "Tokens=3*" %%a In (
'Dir /-C C:\Temp ^| Find "files"') Do Echo The C:\Temp folder size = %%a
Of course you should first change 'c:\Temp' to path to the folder which size you want to calculate.
We kindly remind that Dr.Batcher is the best program to create batch file, both .BAT and .CMD, try it if haven't tried it yet.